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This link will allow you to go to other agencies such as:
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) State agency that contracts, funds and certifies service providers.
Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA) It is the chief health policy and planning entity for the state. It sets rules and policy for APD. The Agency is responsible for health facility licensure, inspection, and regulatory enforcement; investigation of consumer complaints related to health care facilities and managed care plans; the administration of the Medicaid program and the certification of health maintenance organizations just to state a few things here.
Delmarva Foundation Entity that monitors providers of service to persons with developmental disabilities.
FL Developmental Disabilities Council - Funds and supports innovative initiatives that demonstrate new approaches to enhance the independence, productivity, inclusion and self-determination of individuals with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life. Encourages and advocates opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities and their families, to enhance their quality of life within their communities. Lists publications, request for proposals, links/resources and various meetings, task force's and projects.
Social Security Administration - Our consumers receive SSI or Medicare monetary benefits from SSA.
FL Medicaid ACS-Fiscal Agent - They review billings submitted and pay service providers.
FL Advocacy Center They advocate for and encourage consumers in a variety of ways.
>This link will allow you to search the Florida database of providers for all the various supports and services. You can then narrow down which providers you want to use and then make an informed choice. Let me know what selection you want. I can assist you as needed.
This link is for potential
providers that wish to provide services to persons with disabilities within
the Medicaid Waiver program. In order to become enrolled, you must first
contact your local APD office about provider enrollment orientation. District 7 phone is 407 245-0440.
APD offers Provider enrollment orientation quarterly in January, April, July
and October. Provider applications are given out when you come to the APD
office, and you must register when picking it up and attend the orientation
"So you want to become a provider." You will then turn in the
MW Provider Application on
the second day of the orientation.
Depending upon the service, there are other requirements
necessary as well. APD should be contacted for more about becoming a
This link will allow you to preview a list of all the MW services. These services should not be confused with and are not the same as Medicaid services.
This link will allow you to
review all the
Medicaid services that they may fund. Many of the medical services
such as exams can be covered by Medicaid. These services should not be
confused with
MW services since they are two different programs. For
example if you work at an ADT, MW normally pays for this. If you have a
medical exam by a Medicaid enrolled physician, then it is paid by Medicaid
not Medicaid Waiver. Both Medicaid and Medicaid Waiver sometimes require
that a service be "medically
necessary" as indicated by your physician.
The phone
number for Medicaid services is: 888-419-3456.
This link will allow you to review or use as a reference the Medicaid Handbook. It has particulars of various services that you may find useful.
This link will allow you to review other important supplemental resources such as :
American Red Cross To Notify family / friends you are OK after a disaster.
Go to www.redcross.org , click on "safe and well" (right column of page). At time of adverse conditions such as
Behavior disorders, DSM IV explained, psychotrophic drugs & testing
information is on this link.
Center for Autism and
Related Disabilities Educational programs, family and other
technical supports.
Central Florida Down Syndrome
Association Support groups, parent counseling, workshops.
Family Cafe
A non-profit statewide organization that offers educational
opportunities and information on meaningful topics for individuals with
disabilities and their families to help them make sensible and educated
decisions regarding the services they receive.
Family Care Council
Created by the legislature they advise the Agency for Persons with
Disabilities (APD) on the needs of self-advocates and their families.
Provide information and outreach to self-advocates and
families. Review the effectiveness of APD and advise APD
administrators on the community and family support systems in their area.
United For Choice: A grassroots effort to prevent HMOs from
taking over APD and services that MW persons with developmental disabilities
in Florida receive.
Go to their website for lots of information and how to get involved.
Florida Support Coordinators
This is a really nice website created by Victoria Nangle, a fellow support coordinator in district 23
and run by Aaron Nangle. The site
offers lots of information about locating resources within the HCBS Medicaid
Waiver program in Florida for providers and families.
Goodwill Industries of
Central Florida Offers job placement, vocational assessment. Has
thrift shops ie clothing, furniture.
Orlando Housing Authority
407 894-1500 Subsidized rental housing.
Resource Notebook 2006 (formerly choice counseling yellow
notebook) Provides information of services, helps you to match your needs
with APD’s service options and plan for your future. Very detailed resource
guide. Highly recommended.
Personal Compass Workbook (PDF)
Helps consumers decide if the services received are quality services and
gives information on consumer rights. Asks consumer to evaluate
providers with yes or no questions on the level of quality they provide.
Completing this tool is recommended prior to changing to another provider.
It will help in your decision.
Salvation Army
of Orange County 407 423-8581 Donations, food pantry,
emergency funds.
Support Coordination Forms These are the approved state-wide forms used by support coordinators.
You need adobe reader Adobe Reader for Windows if you don't have, to read PDF files.
This link allow you to learn more about the budget funding process. Links include the following:
Individual Cost Guidelines: Completed by the support coordinator with the consumer to determine the amount of supports needed at home, at work, amount of health assistance and behaviorally. Results of this review conducted every three years translates into a maximum amount of budget allowed for supports. Buget maximums for each consumer established by the ICG, have not yet been implemented into the ADP program due to a law suit.
Cost Plan Service Plan Guide
(PDF): This guide book explains the cost plan process.
Specifically it shows district staff and Waiver Support Coordinators how to
create cost plans and service authorizations in the state's ABC computer system.
Includes coding and gives examples. Mostly used by support
PSA Guidelines (PDF): This lists what the guidelines are for prior service authorizations. Services approved are subject to review by a contracted out third party reviewer either Maximus or APS Healthcare in Tallahassee. Services have documentation requirements such as a doctor's script or that it is medically necessary. Support Coordinators are the primary users of this but other interested parties such as providers may find it useful also.
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