This listing is primarily here in Orange, Seminole counties
created for my consumers I currently work with.
WSC does not endorse, support or recommend a given activity, company or club
below. The intent of this listing
is to promote education, exposure to and allow individual experiences (EEEs
created by Delmarva Foundation)
based up goal preferences and self choice. It is hoped that individuals I work
with will come away with increased life experiences
that will further enrich
their decision making and social skills to gain friendships (natural supports)
and greater independence.
Since there are no guarantees in anything listed below, some of these may
involve a certain amount of risk,
hazard or even danger.
ie breaking your leg running etc. Precaution,
training, instruction may be indicated.
Certain areas may not be suitable or appropriate
for some individuals given
health, age or other factors. Prior to beginning anything below, it would be wise to obtain additional
information about company, club, activity, etc from your family, friends, WSC and / or physician. Remember, not all
choices end up
being good ones for you
and may even bring about a bad consequence. But some choices you make may bring
you closer to reaching
your goals and may expand your opportunities within the community. So
carefully make an informed decision based upon your
preferences and available options.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY for support coordinator - READ - then
select 1 or 2
1. I am legally competent,
able to give informed consent, have read the above and understand the risks, and
release from George Andrew, support coordinator, any liability directly or
indirectly, that may incur if I decide to participate in any of the listed
activities, companies or clubs. I understand that this information is for
educational purposes and that any decisions I or my guardian or advocate make
that results in a negative, harmful or undesired consequence, that any and all
liability is released from above support coordinator.
If you agree to above, click on above link to go to activities, companies and
clubs listed.
2. I am not legally competent and/or unable
to give informed consent, and/or have not read the above and/or do not
understand the possible risks.