March 5, 2014
FL Legislative Session: March 4 to May 2, 2014
on Florida
Senator /
Representative for contact information
News Update Archival
(Past News items posted)
March 4, 2014
Summary of Moreland Lawsuit,
letter I sent out
to my consumers. APD letters out by 3-15-14.
APD PowerPoint presentation about this iBudget findings from Moreland case.
To view the entire presentation, go to http://apd.myflorida.com/ibudget/rules-regs.htm
May 7, 2013
Be aware that Florida Legislature attempted but failed to insert managed care
language that may have allowed
the HMO model to replace the current iBudget system. The Florida
Developmental Disabilities Council and
others helped to prevent this from happening. The iBudget system has
so far been effective to control APD
program and operational costs and so the HMO model is not needed nor
Click here to read more detail on Aaron Nagle's site
What would it be like if FL legislature ever votes APD into managed
click on HMO skit.
New APD Director
Barbara Palmer took over August 22, 2012 from Mike Hansen whom took a new job
with the FL Senate.
iBudget $ Reductions Issued
iBudget annual funding numbers were released to district 7 MW support
coordinators on 6-7-12.
Between 40-60% of the nearly 3,000 consumers in district seven had reductions.
I have already provided
my review analysis of the budget numbers to my
consumers and families. APD has still not reviewed and
adjusted one of my consumers reduction allocation thus far. APD insisted
that we enter the APD reduction
amounts and their "decision tree" would then determine if they could lower or
change the reduction amount
based upon the analysis and recommendations we sent to them. The effective date for these reductions
are 10-1-12. I submitted all my AIM spreadsheets to APD on 7-2-12 but
have only had 1 of 16 of my
requested reductions changed by APD. So it appears several weeks later
that APD will not likely lower
these reduction amounts and hearings in some cases will be requested. APD
was trying to avoid hearings
as they had many during the budget tier implementation.
APD issued a new document, "Welcome
to iBudget Florida" Guide for APD consumers. Explains iBudget, lists new
larger area APD area offices, and lists the smaller number of service categories
ie ADT now Life Skills Develolpment level 3.
So until further official notice from APD,
no funds need to be sent in to APD previously due on 6-15-12. This is
likely a result of the law suit that was
filed. See below. I recommend to save as much money up to the Medicaid
limit as possible meanwhile. You
will be able to then have some funds available for camp, prescriptions, dental
Lawsuit filed by Disability Rights FL Inc. on April 26, 2012 concerning
new Residential Fee Collection on RULE 65G-2.016.
This legal action may delay implementation of this rule. But since I have
not heard officially from APD, the first
payment is still due on 6-15-12 for month of May and future months on 15th
Date Postponed. See new date below.
APD Group Home Residents to contribute funds
effective April May 1, 2012.
APD residents residing in group homes will be paying a portion of any excessive
funds they receive beginning on 5-1-12. This is called
Residential Fee
"Residential fee collection
will require APD customers with federal benefits to help pay for their services
that they receive in a group home, foster care facility, residential
habilitation center, or comprehensive transitional
education program".
Fees Due on 15th each month. First one due 6-15-12.
If you feel this new law is unjust, unfair or takes away choice since the
additional money will no longer be available for non-waiver
services such as camp, there is a petition you may wish to sign. One of my
sent me this link to this petition. You can also
contact your state representative or senator. I have heard that
there is a class action law suit in the works. If this is true, it would
likely interrupt the collection process and may even determine the legality of
the statute. Lawyers may ultimately sort this out
in the justice system. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, the fee is still due
and spreadsheet completed with payment made to APD.
04-28-2012 Update:
Fees Due on 15th each month. First one due 6-15-12.
Important Fee Collection Downloads below:
1) the official notice regarding the residential fee collection
initiative with timeframes/requirements (residential
fee collection notice.docx)
(2) a list of frequently asked questions (along with responses to those
questions (Residential
Fee Collection FAQs.docx)
(3) a fee calculation worksheet that may be completed by the representative
payees (fee
collection worksheet.docx)
(4) a copy of the rule notice. 65G-2.016
Notice of
Change (3-28-12).docx)
(5) My explanation as I understand fee collection (RH_Pay_to_APD_ExplainedGA312.doc)
Basically the Representative payee (typically the group home provider) will be
required to forward any
monthly excessive residential payments from residents to APD as required by law,
rule and operating procedure.
They must also send a written accounting of all received benefits and
calculations showing all the deductions
such as room and board and personal allowance to show how they arrived at the
owed amount. If there is a
surplus amount after Room & Board and Personal Allowance are deducted, that amount can be requested to
deducted and later applied
towards a Medicaid Waiver service not being funded but needed such as a
submitted / approved dental plan
of care or consumable medical supplies etc. Once the entire amount is
collected by APD towards the requested
and approved service, a transfer of funds into that support can be
made and a
service authorization created
so the dental or other service can be conducted.
It appears from discussions
with APD, that if a family member
or guardian or other party is the repr payee
instead of the group home provider,
that they may have to have
this transferred to the group home provider
to become repr payee but this has not been officially made certain as far as I
know. Any excessive
money owed
must be paid
by the repr payee by the 15th of each month including a full written accounting.
Remember, funds
collected will be figured effective 5-1-12. An example I created
to explain this fee collection can be
reviewed. APD also created an official example for review. Remember, this is my best interpretation of the rule,
which may not be totally
accurate at this point. As of 4-5-12, APD just provided official documents which
I listed
above in MS Word that can be downloaded for your careful review.
New IBudget eff 10-1-12 in
District 7 (Orlando area) APD. Training for WSCs and providers will take
place 5-10 or 5-11-12. Other districts such as panhandle began Ibudget 4-1-12
and lake county district 13 eff 7-1-12.
Cost plans will need to be adjusted. They will be prorated from 7-1-12 to
and the new Ibudget cost plan
will run from 10-1-12 to 7-1-13 with new amounts and new service categories
mostly into "Life Skills Development".
APD Director Mike Hansen video summarizing the recent 2012 Leglislative session
and other budgetary comments
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI4NntT-JUk&feature=youtu.be Good news,
APD budget increase for FY12/13.
Bad news for local APD districts. Some will be consolidated into a smaller
number overall statewide. My guess
is that district seven will remain but may become responsible for and
incorporate additional counties such as
Lake. This change eff 7-1-12, will save money but will likely reduce the
speed and quality that the district can deliver.
Gov. Rick Scott recommends a larger APD
budget eff 7-1-12 to help prevent past deficits. If legislature adopts it,
This would signify a step in the right direction.
IBudget. Factors
that determine your new budget and how formula is implemented.
Word doc here
2011 presentations by APD to legislature:
Want to exercise eat better?
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To watch an advertisement about the
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If you have questions, contact a
NCPAD 14-Week coach at 1-800-900-8086,
or via live chat.
New I Budget Website:
APD has a new website that provides details about the new IBudget eff 1-1-13 in
District 7 (Orlando area)
APD is conducting comprehensive cost plan budget reviews currently to facilitate
implementation. As a result, some consumers may
experience a reduction or have room for an increase to their budget. There
will likely be another cut to all services in next few
months due to the APD budget shortfall.
APD sends cost cutting
measures to Legislature / governor 9-1-11. APD presented to legislature on
9-1-11 several proposals on how it plans to cut the budget by 76+ million
The 22
page report is worth reading if you want to know the details of what
services may get rate cuts and what APD recommends.
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD), in consultation with the Agency
for Health Care Administration and other stakeholders, has met its legislative
requirement by submitting a cost-containment report to the president of the
Florida Senate, speaker of the House, and governor on September 1. The report
analyzes more than two dozen options for controlling expenditures within the
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Developmental Disabilities waiver.
The Legislature approved $810 million for the HCBS waiver for the 2011-12 state
fiscal year that began on July 1. APD customers received $930 million worth of
services during the 2010-11 fiscal year.
To view the Cost-Containment Plan on APD’s website, visit http://apdcares.org/publications/legislative/docs/apd-cost-containment-plan-2011-2012.pdf.
APD annually serves more than 50,000 Floridians with developmental disabilities of autism, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, spina bifida, and Prader-Willi syndrome. For more information on the agency, call 1-866-APD-CARES (1-866-273-2273) or visit APDcares.org.
Respite Care Pool Created, Cost plans cut by 50% eff 9-1-11 to help reduce
APD budget since not enough budgeted for program.
Basically if you currently receive
respite care, your cost plan budget will be reduced by 50% eff 9-1-11. APD
discovered that 50% of the respite funds that are approved are not utilized by
Since many times these funds are approved for emergencies or "just in
case" we need them. So a respite pool was created instead to allow for
these unused hours to be utilizied if needed.
APD notice about is published below:
APD to Create Respite Pool
TALLAHASSEE - After reviewing the use of respite services with stakeholders, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) is adjusting how families will access the service. Beginning on September 1, APD will reserve 50 percent of respite service from all cost plans and put the hours into a respite pool. Families will be able to access all respite service hours that were previously approved in the individual’s cost plan, if needed.
The review of respite services showed that families traditionally use about half of their respite hours each year, and keep the other half on their cost plan as a safety net for unexpected emergencies. About $19 million dollars of respite services were not used last fiscal year. After discussions with stakeholders, the idea of creating a respite pool to assist families during emergencies won approval.
Respite services are used when the primary caregiver is unavailable to help the person with a disability due to illness, vacation, or other situations.
Families should contact their waiver support coordinator to learn more about this service adjustment. During the year, the waiver support coordinator will handle requests to access the respite pool. Also, APD has been working to develop free respite resources for families in some areas.
The Florida Legislature has mandated that APD bring its Medicaid waiver expenditures within its appropriation. The Legislature approved $810 million for the Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) waiver for the 2011-12 state fiscal year that began on July 1. APD customers received $930 million worth of services during the 2010-11 fiscal year.
For more information on the agency, call 1-866-APD-CARES or visit APDcares.org.
I Budget UPDATE:
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) announced
its statewide implementation schedule for iBudget Florida. iBudget Florida is a
new way to deliver Medicaid waiver services that has been approved by both the
Florida Legislature and the federal government.
Simultaneously with iBudget Florida, APD is rolling out its customer central
record online system throughout the state. This new system reduces paperwork for
APD providers so they may focus more on serving the customer. APD annually
serves more than 50,000 Floridians with developmental disabilities of autism,
cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities, spina bifida, and
Prader-Willi syndrome.
The agency’s Medicaid waiver supports about 30,000 Floridians with
developmental disabilities so they may live and participate in their local
community. Those 30,000 people will all transition to iBudget Florida over the
next 10 months.
The final phase is scheduled to be implemented
on April 1, 2012, covering 9,490 customers in Alachua, Bradford,
Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Putnam, Suwannee, Union,
Duval, St. Johns, Nassau, Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole,
Flagler, Volusia, Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion, and Sumter counties.
As more information becomes available about iBudget, it will be posted on the
agency’s website at APDcares.org. iBudget Florida is designed to make the
funding process fair and equitable for all Medicaid waiver customers. It will
provide for more opportunities for customers to direct their own care. The new
will also allow the agency to have more financial predictability.
Some of the customer benefits of iBudget are:
· Greater ability to choose services that matter to them, given their
unique situations.
· Greater flexibility for customers to respond to changing needs.
· Reduced bureaucracy and “red tape.”
· Support coordinators freed from paperwork to focus on providing help that
makes an even greater difference.
· Confidence that funding is fair compared to other customers who are
similarly situated.
· Reduced likelihood of policy changes that cause significant disruption
due to budget deficits.
· Security of a financially stable system that will be there to serve
customers down the road.
· Greater control over their lives.
ACTING DIRECTOR INTERViEW JUNE 27, 2011 - 40 minutes on You Tube
-4% RATE cut for all APD MW funded providers.
-15% reduction taken 4-1 to 4-15-11 on services
-APD is still millions in deficit for fiscal year 2011-12
-Support Coordinators job description modified by APD to
require them to ask families to voluntarily cut or eliminate MW funded supports.
-Support Coordinators job expanded to give more
emphasis/refer to natural, community and generic supports and resources (free
instead of using MW $)
-APD implemented a budget freeze effective 3-1-11. This means
no increases in funded services unless you reduce 1 service to transfer $ to new
Until the revenues increase in the state budget, APD budget
will continue to remain extremely tight which means no increases will be the
norm and even
reductions may become typical throughout the year to
balance the budget.
Managed Care for APD:
No HMO Managed Care for APD program. But
managed care HMOs will be required for healthcare 1-2012 to 7-2012
APD has 3 years to prove to the Legislature that it can
balance its budget to prevent an HMO managed care model from happening.
Senate held strong despite the House pushing HMOs for our 50,000 DD citizens.
They heard their voices. Democracy still works.
Thanks for all of you that took the time to write,
call, visit your senator or representative. It made a difference.
May 6th 2011 decided the HMO fate of APD.
There will be none, at least from this session.
www.FloridaUnitedForChoice.com It is a grassroots effort to
prevent HMOs from taking over APD and your services. T
I Budgets are coming in late 2011 or 2012. Being tested in Tallahassee area
office currently. See
powepoint presentation about IBudget here.
NCI is National Core Indicators: Florida recently joined over
27 other member states to join resources to improve measures to improve quality
of delivered
services to Floridians with developmental disabilities. See learning
center, terms here.
What are the actually indicators?
click here for word doc.
Tier 1 = $120,000 (not yet implemented by APD but legislatively passed into law
Tier 2 =$53,625,
Tier 3
= $34,125
Tier 4 =14,422.
Effective 7-1-11. Since ALL provider rates are going down by 4%, the overall budget will
decrease and some cuts were necessary. But if ADT / transportation was
reduced some, either by illness, camp or vacation / holiday time with
family may help accommodate this service reduction.
1. IBudgets: (Individual Budgeting) - More details click
on >
Questions and Answers
- APD presented IBudget to Florida Legislature
in February 2010.
- Determines MW budget funding levels via QSI, living
situation, age etc
- Consumers with similar needs will receive
similar funding levels as well as consumers with greater needs receive greater
- Gives more flexibility with services and
consumer involvement in spending
-APD not yet sharing IBudget algorithm which is really
the essence of what criteria will determine consumers new budget (as of
2. Flexible Benefit Service:
- Is optional for enrolled MW consumers
- Uses Medicaid providers
- ADT, companion, respite, I.H.S., SEmployment, SLiving
- Budgets must take a 8% cut to be a part of
- Option might begin in future per APD
3. New Quality Assurance / Person Centered Planning system:
-Uses national core indicators
- Fewer forms
- Complete forms online
- Issue service authorizations electronically
- Emphasizes the consumer abilities
4. Funding for Dental service
- For Tier 4:
- Currently if you are in tier 4, dental is not an
allowed service under MW funding.
Questions to Ponder and needed changes to our program
- When will the IBudget take the place of current tier
system and will it be fair?
- When will the annual rebasing of cost plan budgets be
ended since rebasing process costs more money to conduct by APD / WSCs than they
as well as not being very fair to
many of our consumers? If it is not ended, when will date for rebasing be
changed from around thanksgiving /
xmas to earlier say in September?
This is the only time many WSCs and APD employees take time off with their
families and friends. Basic fairness.
- When will APD and all of it's certified MW providers
utilize a more efficient business model and become fully digital? Currently many
still snail mail volumes of papers to
support coordinators (I get 110 pages/month from 1 provider) or APD each month
to document their activities/
services when they could send a digital
file such as a pdf file instead. All the major email services are encrypted
already or at least a CD disk could
be mailed out instead. This change
would save everyone time / money and would make data retrieval very fast.
Very few items need to be originals
such as birth certificates, legal docs. SS
card etc. but even these can be scanned from an original for safe storage
and quick retrieval.
- When will providers not be required to send monthly
bill invoices to WSC since they no longer do the provider billings and providers
are responsible
for and should maintain their OWN
documentation for billing purposes? Why does the WSC need a copy still?
ABC lists out providers bills if needed.
- Since natural and community supports are being
emphasized to ease budgetary pressures, two community contacts should substitute
for a FF and secondary
contact for up to two months in a row. So
third month back to required face to face for those that currently require FF
each month, unless health/safety.
This change would promote natural and
community contacts and promote budgetary cuts when free supports could take
- Eliminate Delmarva monitoring and replace it by state
APD employees to conduct monitoring using a digital approach saving millions
each year.
- Providers with years of experience and excellent
reputations with good monitoring scores or excellent satisfaction surveys,
monitor every 3 yrs instead of yearly
- Reduce annual 24 hrs to 12 required training for WSCs
since doctors only require this amount. Rates continue to be cut and
workloads increased.
- Encourage and solicit ideas and efficient cutting
edge business practices for providers and APD instead of out dated costly
Ask the top providers in each district and
APD veterans what other improvements / suggestions they would make to our
consumer interviews will eventually effect budget tier assignments based upon
this assessment of need determining fund / tier category. There will also
be follow up interviews to validate these QSI interviews called SIS. Call
support coordinator if unsure about.
If you are assigned tier 4, certain services such as companion, dental and
mental health counseling
are NOT covered on this "Family and Supported Living Waiver" you are transferring
to within APD.
I might be able
to transfer companion to "in home supports" if your current provider offers this under
this new waiver.
Tier 4 only pays for: ADT, Beh Analysis / Assistant, CMS, EAA, DME, in home
supports, pers emerg
response, respite, SE, S.Lvg coaching, transp, and Waiver
support coord. So if your service is not listed
here and you have been assigned to tier 4, then the service ended on 10-14-08.
These new tiers were effective on 10-15-08. these will be eliminated once the
takes over.
If I am your support
coordinator, please email, snail mail or fax me. GeoAndrew@aol.com
or 407 246-1874 fax.
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